Exclusive Choice of the Basic Principles

a. Being in the lighting industry with over 20 years of sales experience, we have strong sales network covering the whole world.

b. As the strength of our company, we have more than 10 sales staff serving customers from big and small cities over the world.

c. As our long-term mission, we strive to let our products be recognized as the supreme products for all markets.

d. We treasure every of our customers, and to work with them closely for high sales turnover.

e. We value good relationship with our customers, so that business operations could be carried out as smoothly as possible.

f. We maintain good spirit of co-operation and enthusiasm with our customers, so as to conform to the requirements of the programs and the projects for the active development of the respective markets.

g. We treat the quality of our products as our most important company asset at all times.

The Spirit of Co-operation Frequent contacts with our customers for the promotion of mutual understanding through  communication with each other are conducted, so that the establishment of the strategic business relationship for the mutual success in all the respective markets could be secured.